Menopause + Pole: What Should You Expect?

The other day I Googled “menopause and stretching” in hopes of finding some good info about the effects of menopause on flexibility. Do you know what I found? Nothing. Zip. Zero.

Sure, there were random articles about strength training for bone density, and general advice about the importance of exercise as we age. But, no were studies cited in any of the articles, and there was nothing at all about improving flexibility after menopause. Ugh.

So I’ve decided to dedicate this blog (for the time being) to those of us who are trying to train, be strong, and stay healthy through peri-menopause, menopause, and beyond. I’ve gotten a bunch of questions from my social media viewers regarding the changes that menopause can bring, and I will do my best to sort through them and give you advice.

Please note: I am not a doctor; I don’t even play one on TV. Many issues that evolve during Peri-menopause and menopause are stress/hormone related. Finding a good functional medical practitioner to do comprehensive blood work should always be your first choice!

Ok, Lets get into the Q & A for today!

  1. Do hot flashes affect grip ability? Absolutely. Hands, arms, legs, and torso can all get sweaty during a good flash! When I was in peri-menopause, I had to stop many times to wipe down my body and my pole. I’d even open the freezer door to cool myself off! Be patient with yourself if this is happening to you. And please be safe. better to skip a move that feels slippy than to get hurt from a fall!

  2. How do I deal with fatigue and low energy? Diet, sleep schedules, and stress levels will play a huge role in energy levels at any time in life, but more so during peri-menopause when everything is changing. If you are not sleeping well, are eating in response to stress, drinking alcohol (sorry!) and/or are suffering from anxiety, PLEASE find a medical professional to run a comprehensive hormone panel! Not just the basic gyno-appointment stuff! Until then try removing refined carbs and white sugar from your diet, eating more fruits, veggies and lean proteins, skipping the alcohol and starting a bedtime ritual without your phone. That should get the ball rolling until you can find out what’s actually going on in your body. Remember, knowledge is power!

  3. My heart is pounding and I get awful mood swings, is that normal? First of all, normal is subjective. Are these symptoms you would normally see in peri-menopausal women? Yep. Do they have to be normal symptoms? Nope. Again, symptoms like mood swings and anxiety can mean that your hormone levels are whacky. Get them checked. And find stress reduction techniques that work for you. Yoga, meditation, and tai-chi are all great ways to de-stress. I also recommend the book The Vagus Nerve Reset by Anna Ferguson. It’s explains in detail how to regulate a disrupted nervous system with actionable drills to use when anxiety rears its ugly head.

That’s it for today’s post. If you have any questions you’d like me to answer here, please reach out via email ( or Instagram (@bodybyfran) and I’ll include them in my next post.

I will continue to look for resources and information to share with you as we take this journey together!




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